ABIOLA online Academy | Examination certificates

Certificates with layout in “silver” and “gold”

The basic idea of ABIOLA Exam is that students of the ABIOLA online Academy can achieve exceptional certificates through diligent study and by successfully passing exams.

As of January 2025, the first certificate for the new mySolar course will be offered.

If the offer is used by the students of the Academy, then ABIOLA plans to offer further exams for enrolled courses.

These certificates can be used for the professional path.


For every course exam you pass, you will receive a certificate with the silver layout from the ABIOLA online Academy. You can then download and print this certificate independently.


If you have at least 3 course certificates, we will also provide you with an additional certificate with a golden layout to download. This certificate will then contain all the course certificates you have passed



More Course Certificates

Exam exams may later arise for these courses:

Linux Programs

LibreOffice Calc

Environment & Climate

Electronic Basic

Linux Introduction




Details about the certificate exams

Study the criteria of a certificate exam carefully:

  1. We distinguish between quizzes and exam questions.
  2. At the end of a lesson, a quiz with about 10 quiz questions is usually asked.
  3. In addition to the lesson quizzes, a course may also include a certificate exam.
  4. If you want to take a certificate exam, you must have studied all topics beforehand and successfully answered all the lesson quizzes of a course.
  5. All quizzes are always on a multiple choice basis. If a quiz is not passed, all correct and incorrect results will be displayed. Thus, it is relatively easy to pass a lesson quiz. All questions must be answered correctly. A lesson quiz can be repeated as many times as you like.
  6. A certificate exam consists of additional questions that are not included in the lesson quizzes. Part of it is based on multiple bases, while another part of the questions expects concrete results. The student can only take one certificate exam per day. Otherwise, it can usually be repeated as often as desired.
  7. Each certificate exam consists of 50 questions.
  8. There is a given time for the student to complete the course. e.g. 3 hours.
  9. For each course, a quota is specified that must be achieved by the student for the release of the certificate.
  10. Each certificate is issued to the name in the upper right corner of the student’s account.
  11. There is also the option of taking a test exam as often as you like (see below)



Complex queries using the mySolar example

We explain the query structure of a certificate exam using the example of the course “mySolar”:

  1. The “mySolar” course includes 110 quiz questions and 60 exam questions. Of the exam questions, 16 are based on “Result” and the rest on “Multible Choice – Basis”.
  2. In the certificate exam, 50 questions are asked. 3 random questions are used from each quiz. With mySolar, these are 8 x 3 = 24 questions.
  3. Of the exam questions, 16 randomly selected questions are used on a multiple choice basis. That’s a total of 42 questions.
  4. The remaining 8 questions are randomly chosen from the exam questions with a fixed result.
  5. All 50 questions come randomly, not in the order shown above. This was carefully checked by ABIOLA.
  6. With this method, all students have a similar prerequisite for the certificate exam.
  7. With each new exam, new random questions with the same scheme are used again.
  8. The time of mySolar is 3 hours and the rate is 90%. This means that 90% of 50 questions, i.e. 45 questions, must be correct. In this case, the student can make a maximum of 5 mistakes to pass.
  9. ABIOLA reserves the right to offer a better quota for the introductory phase of a newly offered certificate. This is described in detail in the respective course.
  10. If you keep missing your goal, maybe our next slogan will help you.

Often good = Very good
If you narrowly miss the required quota several times, there is still a chance that you will get the course certificate.

How is it determined?
If you meet two criteria in 10 exams, you will get your certificate:
a) You reach a quota of 80% (40 questions out of 50 questions correct)
b) At least 3 questions must be answered correctly with a direct answer



Test Exam

As announced above, ABIOLA also offers the possibility for a student to take a test exam as many times as they want. However, no certificates are issued here. On the one hand, a test exam can only be used for personal practice by a student. On the other hand, it also allows someone to check whether a student’s expertise is essentially available or not.

A passed certificate exam can no longer be repeated. The corresponding certificate can also be downloaded several times.

We wish you every success.

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