My Profile
Here you can register and log in.
Register and login (login) is easy.
The blue button is “smart”. If you do not log in until, then it is on “login”. If you are already registered at the Academy, then the button is set to “logout”. If you are not yet registered in the Academy, then the button is also on “login”. To register with the Academy, you need your own e-mail address.
If you do not have an e-mail address, then you can generate a temporary e-mail address. You now have a choice. Either you log in normally with the blue button or you click on one of the three buttons at the bottom. We will help you.
1. You already have an account with the Academy and you want to log in now.
2. You know a registration code
Important: If you belong to a school that has received from ABIOLA Raspberry Pi PCs, then ask for your group code and enter it when registering. Then the points you achieve will be counted for your school!