LibreOffice Impress

If you have studied this course completely, then I can only congratulate you. You now have a solid foundation and enough inspiration to use LibreOffice Impress in your own creative way. It will take some time and testing until you find your own style. But the way has been paved…

I hope that you enjoyed the course and that you took away some exciting tips and tricks for yourself. I am sure that this knowledge can open professional doors for you in many ways in the future. It worked for me and it will work for you too.

P.S. If you work with Microsoft Office PowerPoint at some point, then definitely try the morph function from 😉

About the author

A final greeting and a short introduction.

My name is Ramona and I come from the beautiful south of Germany.

During my school and university years, I independently acquired presentation design skills and enjoyed spicing up my presentations with that certain something.
A little animation here and a special design there – you know that 😉

At school and university, I was otherwise rather quiet and inconspicuous. The presentations literally opened the way to several jobs at the university.

Ramona Schaubitzer
Ethnology & Religious Studies (B.A.)

Finally, a big thank you to Christoph for helping me to structure my creative “chaos” and giving me the opportunity to create this course here.

Best regards and all the best to all of you.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what brings you to life, and go, do that.
Because the world needs people come to life.”

Howard Thurman

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