Content slide “What are the consequences”

Insert a hexagon again, either via “Insert”- “Shape” – “Basic Shapes” – “Hexagon” or by copying and pasting a previous slide. Insert a box (white filling, no border, 35% transparency) and place it behind the hexagon. Copy this combination several times and arrange it as shown in the image below.

To insert the images into the hexagon, click on the respective shape and select white as the fill and a dark border. Paste the icons from the cloud and resize them to fit the hexagons.
Paste the texts into the transparent boxes.


Content Slide Quote

As a transition to the next topic of what can be done, we again insert an apt quote.
We’ve already worked with the quote slide, and you can easily copy, paste, and customize the previous one. This saves you from having to re-insert.
Download the icon from the cloud.

Since this is a longer quote, we’ll bold here and highlight the beginnings of the two sections. This makes it easier for the reader to grasp the text.

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