Countries: 7 Schools: 118
PCs: 416 Students: 2.330
Courses: 12 Topics: 661
Quizzes: 70
Topics: 211.807
Quizzes: 14.065
Studied time points
Hours: 14.120
Total: 1.432.593
Points per
School: 12.140
Student: 614 more >>
ABIOLA Raspberry Pi PC´s
ABIOLA verwendet das weltweit am meisten verwendeten Ausbildungs-System Raspberry Pi aus UK.
Video with Musik – Production of 110 pcs in Ghana
Produced in Ghana,
Christoph Köhler lernt dem Team von Assembly of God, wie die PCs zusammen gebaut werden.
Quick success
These courses will help you understand
The focus of this academy is on the areas of Raspberry Computer / Linux and renewable energies. The non-profit organization ABIOLA wants to make a free contribution to further education for all.
Our ABIOLA courses are created for you in cooperation with experienced authors and competent institutions.
That’s how much fun students in Africa have during break times.
A video clip for ABIOLA from the “Hope Academy in Ghana”
We would like to share our expertise with you. The ABIOLA RASP database and all courses of the ABIOLA Online Academy are free of charge for you.
Start first with the 3 most popular courses
“Never start to stop -never stop starting..
Marcus Tulius Cicero
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New: ABIOLA Community
New: ABIOLA Community We invite you to join the ABIOLA community. The only thing you need is a smartphone. There are many reasons to join the community as a student, teacher, friend or supporter of ABIOLA Academy. Multilingual Your language doesn't matter. We use the...
School Nigeria – Solar & PC
NigeriaThe orphanage "HOME FOR THE NEEDY" has received 13 ABIOLA PCs and a matching solar system from ABIOLA. The installation took place in January 2023. All PCs are powered only by solar energy. This is particularly important there, as the power supply is primarily...
ABIOLA Activities
Here we report on some of ABIOLA’s activities over the last 15 years.
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